Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Use of Transformational Learning Going Back to School...

Transformational Learning consist of four stages which are, â€Å"recognizing a significant problem; confronting it intensely; finding a solution; and integrating a new prospective† (R-Model, 2010, p.115). When making any major life transition you will probably use transformational learning. You will first recognize that there is a problem or that there is something in your life that you would like to change. Second, you will need to confront the problem. You will need to do so with great intensity, so that you may find a solution. Once you have gone through the third stage to find your solution, you will then start to integrate that solution into your life. Transformational learning is something that everyone will go through at some point†¦show more content†¦I realized about four months ago, when I didn’t get a promotion, that it could be because I did not yet have a degree. I started thinking about my problem every day, to the point I was losing sleep o ver it. I already had a solution; I needed to go to school. Having a solution only created more problems for me. I wanted to go to school, but you have to have the money to pay for your tuition in order to actually go to school. I started looking into financial aid, student loans, grant, scholarships, and programs offered to military members and their spouses. Once I found the money, and a school that I wanted to attend, I began integrating my plan into my life. Choosing to go back to school has been an extremely stressful process. Although stressful, things seem to be falling into place quite nicely. Research conducted by Jack Mezirow (1991) has shown that there are seven phases that typically occur in the challenges of transformational learning. The seven phases are â€Å"experiencing a disorienting dilemma, self-examination, critical assessment of assumptions, recognizing that others have gone through a similar process, exploring process, formulating a plan of action, and reintegration† (R-Model, 2010, p.116). Formulating a plan of action is a phase I think I pretty much have under wraps. I know exactly what I have to do in order to succeed, and have put my plan into action. I also realizeShow MoreRelatedTransformational Leadership Aspects Of Military Basic Training Essay1575 Words   |  7 PagesTo fully understand the transformational leadership aspects of military basic training, one must have a picture of what basic training is like. Most recruits are young, and are leaving home for the first time. In the Air Force the first week of the six-and-a-half-week cour se is controlled chaos for the fifty-five recruits who are placed into a flight, which was a part of a larger squadron. 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